High Country Detachment #1389 Marine Corps League has installed and sworn in their officers for Fiscal Year 2022.

They are:
Commandant: Luke Whichard
Sr Vice Commandant: Tom Northrup
Jr Vice Commandant: Jim Edgell
Judge Advocate: John Irwin
Adjutant: Rachel Sosnowski
Paymaster: Jim Bailey
Sgt of Arms: Tim Hudak
Chaplain: Gerald Bebber
Chuck Wright later presented Commandant Luke Whichard with an award for #1389 detachment for exceeding our previous years membership! This is the 2nd year in a row that our detachment has received this award and Luke Whichard vowed that there will be a 3rd!
We also welcome (Richard) Dick Taylor as our newest member, who recently moved to the area.
We hope to see you on November 20th at the Ashe Country Christmas Parade or at our next meeting being held at 1800 on November 22nd, 2021 at Christian Unity Baptist Church in Jefferson, NC.